Exploring the World of E-Cigarettes: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.


Electronic cigarettes, or E-cigarettes as they are better known, have gained popularity in recent years, as an alternative to traditional cigarettes, with many vaping starter kits for sale. They are often marketed as a safer and more convenient option, but their safety and efficacy have been hotly debated recently. In this article we discuss the possible e-cigarette health risks.

It's important to understand what e-cigarettes are, as well as their potential risks and benefits. In this article, we'll explore the history, safety, and regulation of e-cigarettes, as well as common myths and misconceptions. By the end of this article, you'll have a better understanding of what e-cigarettes are, and what you need to know before using them.

Hi there everyone. Let's talk about E-cigarettes. The correct name is electronic cigarettes but most people call them E-cigarettes. You've probably noticed how they have gained in popularity over the last few years. I'm amazed at the number of kids I see walking home from school smoking them.

Most of these products have received some great marketing, by pushing the idea that they are safer than normal cigarettes, as well as more convenient. Let me tell you though, that there have been many debates in scientific and medical circles lately, with regards to their safety and how efficient they are. At the very least, we hope to give you some vaping safety tips.

e cigarette debate

Most of these products have received some great marketing, by pushing the idea that they are safer than normal cigarettes, as well as more convenient. Let me tell you though, that there have been many debates in scientific and medical circles lately, with regards to their safety and how efficient they are.

I believe that as well as being some benefits, there are also some potential risks. I've well researched their history, so I can see why in many countries they are strictly regulated. Having said that though, I have to say that I don't think it's working, as I see loads of kids vaping, some who look about 12 years old.

What doesn't help is that there are many myths about e-cigarettes, so hopefully later in this article I hope to break some of those myths. My main aim with this article is not to try to sway you one way or the other, but rather, give you the results of all the research I have done, to give you a better understanding of e-cigarettes and vaping in general, so that you can make your own mind up, when it comes to E-cigarette health risks.

What are E-Cigarettes?

smoking an e-cigarette

Most of us call them E-cigarettes or vapes, but really their proper name is Electronic Cigarettes. Basically they are simply a battery powered device that heats a liquid, which you may hear people call e-juice or vape juice.

It creates an aerosol which we inhale, the same as if we were smoking a cigarette. That massive cloud of scented smoke that people give off, is often referred to as vapor, and believe it or not, that is where the term "vaping" comes from

Are There Different Types Of E-Cigarette?

There are several types of E-cigarette, and numerous strange flavours. I'm sure like me, many of you have been casually walking along the street only to suddenly get a large blast of strawberry flavoured vape, from a vast cloud being exhaled by a passing vape enthusiast.

Most of these have an atomizer, better known to you and I as an heating element, driven by a small battery, and of course, they also need some form of tank to hold the liquid, or e-juice as it's known.

There are e-cigarettes that are disposable (often seen thrown in the hedge or on the pavement by people too lazy to take them home and dispose of them properly) and there are also ones which are rechargeable and refillable. You can also step up to the "deluxe" models, that have technical capabilities beyond my comprehension, such as adjustable airflow and temperature control.

How Do E-Cigarettes Work?

Various e cigarettes,heating element, e-juice

I have to say, their method of operation is quite unique, and this is how they work. The first thing obviously, is that the user inhales through the mouthpiece, followed then by the small battery activating the heating element, which in turn, vaporizes the e-juice. At this stage the user can either inhale the vapor into their lungs prior to exhaling, or simply exhale immediately, what is normally a very visible cloud.

So what are you breathing out? - Typically, it is propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, flavorings, and often nicotine. I would also mention that some e-cigarettes contain other substances such as THC(Tetrahydrocannabinol which is the principal psychoactive constituent of cannabis) or CBD (Cannabidiol which is an active ingredient in cannabis, that is derived from the hemp plant, but it does NOT cause an high and is not addictive).

Is Vaping Safe?

At the time of writing this article, this has to be one of the most talked about questions being asked by scientists and doctors alike. Are e-cigarettes safe or not?

Well, they are certainly regularly marketed as a safer alternative to traditional cigarettes; however, the truth is that the long-term health effects of vaping, are still not fully understood. So let's talk about some of the possible e-cigarette health risks.

Lets start by talking about Short Term Effects. These can include throat and mouth irritation, coughing, and nausea. There have also been some reports of users experiencing allergic reactions to the chemicals in e-juice. One interesting observation though is that once the user stops vaping, the symptoms subside.

Let's not forget that smoking e-cigarettes is reasonably new, which means that their longer term effects, are still being studied.

Having said that though, here are a few concerns that early research has turned up.

heart disease from smoking

Heart Disease

There is a chance that smoking e-cigarettes and vaping may lead to heart disease.

lung disease from smoking e-cigarettes

Lung Problems

As with normal smoking, e-cigarettes may be responsible for lung diseases such as cancer. More research is needed.

having a stroke due to vaping


Strokes can cause major lifestyle changes, so it's important for us to know if e-cigarettes and vaping increase our risk.

One of the main worries, has to be the potential for addiction to nicotine, which is a highly addictive substance, that is found in many e-juices.

OK, e-cigarettes may be safer than traditional cigarettes, but many scientists and members of the medical profession, appear to be in agreement, that they are not completely safe. I'd go as far as to say that some experts, believe that they may be just as harmful, or even more harmful, than traditional cigarettes. At present, we just don't know.

Obviously one of the biggest concerns with smoking normal cigarettes is lung cancer. But, although e-cigarette sellers may tell you different, the aerosol produced by e-cigarettes, contains many of the same chemicals found in traditional cigarette smoke, including formaldehyde and acetaldehyde, which are known carcinogens.

QUITTING SMOKING ALTOGETHER is still the best way to reduce the risk of serious health problems.

Are E-Cigarettes the Same as Vaping?

I know what you're saying, smoking e-cigarettes and vaping are the same, but sorry, that is not quite so.

So why is this? When we vape  we inhale vapor produced by an electronic device, which I agree can include e-cigarettes, BUT, there are other types of devices, such as vape pens and vape mods.

I discovered for example that the various devices, may use different types of liquids,(many sites are offering what they say are the top e-liquid flavors) or they may have different heating elements.

So to clarify, whilst e-cigarettes are just one type of vaping device, not all vaping devices are e-cigarettes.

I hope this helps you to understand the differences between different types of vaping devices, and the potential risks associated with each.

Vaping v Smoking – Which Is Worse for You Health?

smoking  v vaping with e-cigarettes
vaping v smoking

The debate over the safety of e-cigarettes, and whether they are as bad as traditional cigarettes, is ongoing, and probably will for a long time yet.So let's try to get some form of balance. So we have studied the benefits of vaping vs smoking.

One important factor is that we know that e-cigarettes do not contain the harmful tar and carbon monoxide found in traditional cigarettes. However, they do still contain other harmful chemicals such as formaldehyde and acetaldehyde, which are known carcinogens.

In my opinion,one of the biggest concerns with e-cigarettes, is the potential to become addicted to nicotine, (as are most normal cigarette smokers) which is a highly addictive substance, and is found in many of the e-juices, used in electronic cigarettes.

vaping and exhaling

Nicotine addiction we know, can lead to a range of health problems, including high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.

Hang on a minute though, let's try to put this into some form of perspective.

When we are comparing the health risks of e-cigarettes, to traditional cigarettes, at present,it's generally believed that e-cigarettes are probably less harmful than traditional cigarettes. However, this doesn't mean that they are completely safe, as many people selling them may be trying to make you believe.

Overall, whilst e-cigarettes may be a better alternative to traditional cigarettes, for smokers who are trying to quit, they are not risk-free and should be used with caution.

One of the biggest worries at present seems to be children as young as twelve who have never smoked, taking up vaping, because it is the latest craze, and all their friends are doing it

In the end, only you, can make the final decision, in respect of the potential risks associated with e-cigarettes, and whether or not to use them.

Are E-Cigarettes Regulated?

In many countries, including the United States, e-cigarettes are regulated by the government.

We discovered that these E-cigarette laws and regulations, can vary widely by country and can include restrictions on the sale, marketing, and use of e-cigarettes.

In the United States for example, the Food and Drug Administration  (The FDA) regulates e-cigarettes, classing them the same as tobacco products. So,this means that e-cigarettes are subject to the same regulations as traditional cigarettes, including age restrictions and warning labels.

However as with most things, regulations for e-cigarettes can vary widely by state and local jurisdiction. For example we found that some states have banned the sale of e-cigarettes altogether, whilst others have introduced strict regulations, on their marketing and sale.

Outside of the United States, regulations for e-cigarettes can vary widely by country.

It's therefore important to understand the regulations in your area, and to comply with all applicable regulations when using e-cigarettes.

Who Should Avoid E-Cigarettes?

pregnancy and e-cigarettes
Pregnant Women
young adults stopping smoking
Young Adults
people with health problems shouldnt vape with e-cigarettes
Health Problems

Pregnant women, children, and young adults, should avoid using e-cigarettes, as well as individuals with certain health conditions, such as heart or lung disease, may be at higher risk for complications from vaping.

People who are not at present smokers because the nicotine in e-cigarettes, can lead to addiction, and may have negative effects, on the developing brains, of young people.

Just like with normal cigarettes, it's important to understand the potential risks associated with vaping, and then you can make an informed decision, about whether or not to use e-cigarettes.

If you are a smoker looking to quit, there may be other, safer alternatives available, such as nicotine replacement therapy or counselling. Some popular ones are HERE

What Are Some Of The Common Myths About Vaping?

myths about vaping

There are many myths around e-cigarettes and vaping. Here are some common myths, along with the truth.

Myth1: E-cigarettes are completely safe.
The truth, as I have already explained is that e-cigarettes are NOT completely safe, and still contain harmful chemicals, including nicotine, which can be addictive.

Myth2: E-cigarettes can help you quit smoking.
Whilst many individuals may use e-cigarettes as a way to quit smoking,believing that they are not as harmful, there is not enough evidence yet, to support their effectiveness in this area.

Myth3: E-cigarettes do not contain nicotine.
I'm sorry but that is incorrect, some e-cigarettes do contain nicotine, which is a highly addictive substance.

Myth4: Second-hand vapor is harmless.
I firmly believe that second hand vapor, as with normal cigarettes is worse than smoking yourself. Please be aware that second-hand vapor from e-cigarettes, can contain harmful chemicals and is best avoided if possible.

Myth5: E-cigarettes are not addictive.
As can be seen with many young people who have never smoked a real cigarette, e-cigarettes can be highly addictive, especially for individuals who are not currently smokers.

So - Let's separate fact from fiction, when it comes to e-cigarettes and vaping.

Understanding the true risks and benefits of these products, can help individuals make informed decisions, about their use.

So How Toxic Are E-Cigarettes?

It has been shown that E-cigarettes contain a variety of chemicals, many of which, are harmful to health. Here are some harmful chemicals, found in e-cigarettes:

Nicotine: is a highly addictive substance, that can harm brain development in young people.

Formaldehyde: a carcinogenic chemical that can cause cancer.

Acetaldehyde: a toxic substance, that can cause irritation of the eyes, skin, and respiratory system.

Acrolein: a chemical that can cause lung damage, and is found in both cigarette smoke and e-cigarette vapor.

Propylene glycol: a common ingredient in e-cigarette liquid, that can cause respiratory irritation.

The truth is that, E-cigarettes are generally considered to be less harmful than cigarettes, and the long-term health effects are still not fully understood, and more research is needed.

It is however clear that e-cigarettes are not completely harmless, and should be used with caution. Bear in mind that, for many years people thought that smoking cigarettes was not harmful.

What is a bit worrying is that vaping and e-cigarettes have become big business, so as can be expected there may be various untested products on the market. For example you will often see adverts for such things as "e- cigarette mods for sale" so they are basically modifying the original product. There are also many ads for "discount e-cigarettes online. This always worries me, as to how they are modifying the product to undercut other sellers.

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Can E-Cigarettes Explode?

can ecigarettes explode

There have been rare reports of e-cigarettes exploding, which has understandably raised concerns about their safety. The explosions, are usually caused, by the e-cigarette's lithium-ion battery overheating, and releasing gas. This can cause the battery to split, and, in rare cases, explode.

These incidents are rare, but they can be very dangerous. Explosions have resulted in serious injuries, including burns, lacerations, and even fractures.

To reduce the risk of an e-cigarette explosion, only use the device as directed by the manufacturer including using only the correct charger, not overcharging the battery, and not exposing the device to extreme temperatures or water. As mentioned there are various "modified" e-cigarettes available, which could be dangerous.

It's therefore also important to only purchase e-cigarettes from reputable sources, and certainly avoid purchasing counterfeit products. Counterfeit e-cigarettes, are often made with lower quality materials, and may be more likely to cause injury.

Is Second-Hand Vapor From E-Cigarettes Dangerous - Like Passive Smoking?

Second-hand vapor contains some of the same chemicals found in secondhand smoke, from traditional cigarettes, but at much lower levels.

It's been shown that harmful chemicals in second-hand vapor, are typically much lower than those in second-hand smoke from normal cigarettes. However, it's still unclear whether second-hand vapor from e-cigarettes, poses any health risks.

Studies have suggested that second-hand vapor can irritate eyes, nose, and throat, and cause headaches and nausea. These studies however have been limited, and more research is required.

It is important to note, that whilst the risk of secondhand vapor may be lower than that of secondhand smoke, much more research is needed. It is best to avoid exposure to secondhand vapor, wherever possible.

Final Thoughts On E-Cigarettes..

E-cigarettes are becoming a popular alternative to traditional cigarettes, but their safety and potential health risks are still being debated.

It is important to understand what e-cigarettes are, how they work, and the potential risks associated with their use, and hopefully this article has helped, in that respect.

Originally e-cigarettes and vaping was marketed towards normal cigarette smokers, as a method of stopping. They also suggested vaping as an alternative for ex smokers, who had given up but struggling for that nicotine fix. Although it's suggested,that e-cigarettes can help people quit smoking, they're not really a completely safe alternative, or certainly not at the time of writing this article, and should not be used by certain groups, especially young people who have never smoked.

Research is crucial, into the long term effects of e-cigarettes, and how we regulate their use..

The thing that I find most worrying is that many young people, who have never smoked, are using e-cigarettes, because it’s the “In Thing”, without knowing the full facts, and the potential risks involved.

It is vital to educate young people about the risks, which may be associated, with e-cigarette use, and encourage them to make informed decisions, about their health.

Many excellent Stop Smoking products can be found on Amazon

About the author 

Graham Hodgson

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